Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 244: Dinosaurs

Today, my daughter and I spent the afternoon among dinosaur bones, fossils, artifacts, old weapons, and all the other goodness contained in the museum. I'm always fascinated watching her and seeing what catches her eye. I'm intrigued by how she interacts with history and what she makes of it. Most of it is still beyond her grasp. She recognizes that she is in a place where everything surrounding her is aged and older than she could possibly be, but she doesn't know how it all fits together into her world. She will. She wants to learn, and that's about as encouraging as anything. I hope she continues to gravitate toward education and fulfills her need to know. I could wish for little more than that for her life. I'd like to say learning and interacting with history was at the top of her list today, but that wouldn't be true. Of utmost importance was the gift shop and buying the rubber snake she made friends with. She named his Swacky, and I'm sure they'll be fast friends. 

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