Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 37: Let Love Rule

A violation of civil rights for gays and lesbians. That's what a federal appeals court had to say Tuesday concerning Prop. 8, the would-be California ban on same-sex marriage the court declared unconstitutional. Let's says that again. Unconstitutional. Unconstitutional. Unconstitutional.

OK, let's get something clear upfront: I find these kinds of developments that specifically put same-sex relationships in a favorable light incredibly positive. They leave me hopeful that more and possibly complete acceptance are ahead for us. They move us along to being a better society. They open the doors to expose the lies and tainted information too many people have thrown around for too long. These developments also expose those who have been negatively affected by such legal attempts for the real, decent, everyday people they actually are. Developments like these shed more light on the moronic darkness that’s lingered over our heads far longer than I care to remember or know. If the U.S. Supreme Court should rule similarly to the federal appeals court potentially sometime next year, I’ll feel just as ecstatic then as I do now.

By now you've gleaned my position on same-sex marriage, and it’s unwavering.

Now, if you don’t feel the same way, feel free to stop reading (if you already haven’t). Nothing I’ll say or do is going to change your way of thinking, and you’re not going to sway mine. I’m not even going to try. It would be a waste of time and energy, and I would probably only end up insulting your intelligence and mine in trying to do so. If, on the other hand, your position still wavers and you haven’t arrived at your ultimate position yet, I encourage you to keep searching for the truth, as well as searching your soul and whatever levels of compassion that exist within you.

But if you never investigate the issue one step more, that’s your journey. If you’ve already arrived at your permanent position, we can just part ways now. We don’t even have to pretend that we respect each other's opinions or that we can agree to disagree. The truth is, although I respect your right to express it, I don’t respect your opinion where this issue is concerned. And I can’t foresee a time when I can agree to disagree about it. With the utmost respect, you are not on my radar where this topic is related. I’m simply not interested in the same tired, nonsensical BS that's already been spouted, and I'm not interested in standing still and pretending change isn't required or warranted.  

I am interested in the encouragement I feel when witnessing children operate with open minds and hearts where sexuality is concerned. I’m interested in seeing parents who accept their children for who they are and what they do on a daily basis, not what gender they happen to fall in love with.  What I’m interested in is churches that allow anyone to practice their faith, not judge who is worthy and who is not by whom they kiss goodnight at the end of the day. I’m interested in happiness and love and where the two meet. I don’t care about your protests or objections or fairy tales concerning immorality or sin that are created to divide. There’s been too much of that for too long. I’m interested in progress and acceptance. I'm interested in cohesiveness. Healing. 

I know you have your opinion of me and anyone else who doesn't uphold the sacrilege of marriage as you see it.  I absopositively don’t care.  

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