Is there anything more hopeful and full of optimism than the first day of a new year? Hell, no! Anything is possible on this day. Anything is up for grabs. I realize the concept of time is silly, and that nothing really truly has been altered from 11:59 p.m. to 12 a.m., but Jan. 1 wipes the slate clean and presents a chance to start afresh. Jan. 1 is the origin. The beginning. The outset.
On a typical New Year's day, I would set all kinds of goals for the new year, including a bunch that I didn't have any intention of actually keeping or even addressing, most probably. In fact, typically, I'd carry over a whole bunch of stale resolutions from years previous.
Normally, I pencil these resolutions in with very, very light force, with the pre-eminent thought in my mind being, “What’s the point really? I’m not going to do any of this stuff when all is said and done."
Well, not this year people. Even if I don’t get around to losing the ever-expanding belly, publishing that book I've been plotting year after year, writing that album of original tunes that lives in my guitar strings, and so on, this year, I won't sell myself short before I even get started.
This is the year that anything is absopositively possible. Stand back, and revel in the vibe because it's going to live each and every day this year. Even on those days when all the evil forces unite to kick my ass, I will take the time to focus on at least one bit of positivity each day.
Today, I'm positive about all possibilities. I'm looking forward to the next minute, the next day, the next month, and the next year. 2012, bring it.
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