Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 136: The Plain Truth

I appreciate the plain truth. The art of telling people the truth, unfortunately, seems to be lost. These days, I run across too many people who don't want the truth and don't want to tell it. In fact, it sometimes seems they don't want anything to do with it at all. They'd rather stare into the abyss and not learn thing one about themselves, not face even the smallest of truths concerning themselves.

I guess I'm a glutton for punishment because It just don't want that view. I want a perspective that may be a little more harsh to my ego and sense of being but that's at least real. I'd rather the truth be told the truth and live with the ramifications than be fed spoonfuls of phoniness. I rather risk the the hurt, pain, remorse, etc. than choke on manufactured joy. I'd rather live in the reality than devise a better but false one.

The older I get, the more I seek this type of life. I want the truth when it's pleasant. I want it when it's painful. When it's apparent. When it's hidden. I want the truth as it was and it will be. I don't want to be lied to. I don't like fabrications. I don't like revisionist history. I don't like pathways that tiptoe around the truth. I like cutting to the core and getting it out and getting it dealt with. Deal with the truth, and there's nothing hanging over you, nothing weighing you down, nothing keeping you awake at night.

I understand why tiny white lies may have been introduced to the world. Some people prefer to save others pain. I respect that. And I understand about covert operations and double switches and secret agents and the secret double agents performing covert operations. I suppose some of that is necessary and can be justified. But back here in the real world where real people live and breath in a real way, I don't understand lying for the sake of making yourself look or feel better. I don't understand lying to create a false reality. I don't understand stepping all over the truth to the point it can't be recognized any longer. And for the record, by not revealing the truth, you're still lying. The alteration of words my not leave your mouth, but what's unsaid is still a lie.

Give me the truth. I admire those who can do. I value their conviction and courage. I hold their straight-ahead approach in high regard. I'd like to obtain that sense of realness. Whether I will is another story. I don't like confrontation, and I certainly don't like hurting feelings. That may make me weak in my own desires. But where the truth concerns me, I want it. I may not like it, and I may not accept it with the most grace initially, but ultimately, where obtaining a greater sense of self is concerning, I want the truth to smack me right between the eyes. 

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