Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 221: The Places I Will Go

Fridays are the best day to let the brain run free, to let imagination take you places you might not be able or fit to go the rest of the week. I like Fridays for planning the escapes and escapades I plan to make someday. Hell, deep down I know most of the journeys I conjure up in my mind will never actually take place, but I have a hell of a lot of fun planning the whatifs. Life is all about the possibilities, people. 

Some day, for example, I want to attend The Gathering of The Juggalos. If for no other reason to just get funky and nasty and live among the Juggs, I would love it. I mean, what's not to love about leaving responsibility behind, entering the woods where the Juggalos congregate, and just going for it? Survive and imagine the stories you'd have to tell. Perish and at least you would have went out in a way that few can say they have or will. 

I also want to get myself to Amsterdam one day down the line. Sure, a guy can get freaky and let it all hang out there just as well as with the good Juggs of the world, but much like the Juggalos, I would also just love to observe the local scene. I'm that guy who takes a seat anywhere and everywhere and just watches the people walk by in fascination, always taking mental notes, always making best guesses about their histories, always wondering where they'll wind up. Amsterdam would be great for that. Grab a cup of a coffee and whatever else I desired and get caught up with the locals. 

Then I head over the Tokyo, Taiwan, and Tibet. In Tibet, I'd find a monastery and forgot about the world, myself, troubles, problems, quagmires, stress, tension, pain, pushing, pulling, and everything else that sucks for a good long time. Eventually, though, I'd get back in the game, and when I did I'd hike the Appalachian Trail. All of it. All at once. No breaks. 

Once that was done, I'd hop on a two-wheeled cruising vessel and crisscross the country as a snail's pace, stopping each and every time the urge struck. No regrets and no wish-I-would-haves. I'd follow that up with a summer road trip touring baseball parks across the country before heading to Australia for some surfing, after which I'd scale a few mountains in the Rockies, enter my first cage fight, and take a cruise along the West Coast before settling in for a month or so in some remote Alaskan region with the natives who adored me. 

Today, though, I'll resign myself to hole up in Lincoln, NE and do some more plotting. Someday, though. Someday. 

1 comment:

  1. Amsterdam is pretty cool for people-watching. I was there for the first time when I was 12, and have no doubt I didn't understand most of what I saw -- and I still thought it was fascinating.
