Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 345: Sisters United

This is one of my favorite photos of all time. It's of my girls, and despite the fights and nagging and cross words and irritation and everything else negative that can surface among them, this photo represents how I know they really are and how they really feel. United. Together. Interlinked. One. Loved.

My girls are as different as the day is long, and I love and hate that. I love that they follow their own leads, and I hate that they can't seem to agree upon anything. But they all share something in common that's so strong and so comforting. They're loyal. They're loyal to each other. They bicker, but they back each other up. I can live with the bickering because of that. 

My oldest daughter is about to move out on her own, but I know she'll always be nearby. She'll always have and take her rightful place in the circle that the three of them of formed. My next oldest will be on her own way in a few years, but I know the same will be true of her. I know they'll both always check in and guard and protect and guide the youngest. I expect them to, but I know they expect it of themselves, as well. 

They're beautiful children, but they are more beautiful sisters. They're lucky to have one another. I'm lucky to have them all. 

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