Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 100: 100 Days Of Positivity & Counting

April 10 marks the 100th straight day that I’ve written about one topic or another that paid tribute in some manner to positivity. My goal with this blog from the very outset back on January 1 was to keep this up for an entire year, and I have every intention to see that through. Truthfully, though, if something unfortunate was to happen to me and this was the last day I was able to post an entry, I’d be proud of this effort. Early on in those first few weeks of writing, I had my doubts I’d make it this far. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do this day and day out or that I even wanted to. There have a few days when I just wasn’t feeling “it,” not until I forced myself down at the typewriter and put my toes in the fire. Early on, I wasn’t sure my eyes could recognize enough glimmer in the world to see something positive about it each and every day. Even now, as I type these very words, I wonder if it will be possible to write about 366 different positive topics. I’m determined to give it a good try, though, and that in and of itself is something positive.

I can say that I did set out on this goal with complete and utter commitment in mind. I really am devoted to exploring the positivity that life has to offer, and more specifically, the positivity that is at work in my life. My conviction to that aim is true, and that, too, is something positive.

A lot of entries have stemmed from my love of certain facets of life, such as writing or sports or playing guitar or family, and the positive influences those aspects have had on me and me thinking and my approach to living. Other entries have stemmed from past events or memories and how they have transcended time and live on in the present. Others entries still have spawned from current events and contained my interpretations of such, as well as my deductions of what is positive about those situations that I can take away.

I have no idea how successful any of these attempts definitively been, but from a learning standpoint at least, I know I’ve gained a great deal. I didn’t set out with the intention of this blog having any impact other than to hopefully make myself a better, more appreciative person. In that regard, I think it’s been a success. I do feel more aware of the objects and people and feelings that I encounter throughout my days that lend some type of encouragement. I do feel more cognizant of the factors at play that lift me up throughout my waking hours, that give me hope, that lend some promise and optimism. I do feel blessed to have applied myself to view the world through a different filter, to hear words with a different ear, to experience moments with arms open and accepting vs. closed and guarded. I do feel blessed to seek out positivity vs. pessimism.  

Moreover, I’ve been beyond pleased at the number of people who have read these posts and shared them with others. To date, the blog has had nearly 3,400 page views. Certainly, that’s nothing earth shattering, and I’m by no means every going to be a threat to breaking the Internet, but still, I never expected even a sliver of those views. I never expected the kind of remarks that various people have made along the way, and I never expected that some of the things I’ve written would have sparked similar feelings in some people. I’m extremely thankful for that. I’m extremely appreciative for the encouragement. Hell, I’m extremely appreciative for any reaction at all. Sometimes, life really surprises you, and I think I’ve learned that not all surprises have to be negative ones.

Here’s to 266 more days. 

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