Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 102: Go Climb A Tree

Something I haven’t done in longer than I can remember is climb a tree. I’m thinking it’s about time I did so again, though. There aren’t really a lot of good candidates in the neighborhood where I live. It’s a fairly new housing development, and nearly all the trees are less than 10 years old and not fit to provide a really good view. But I’m sure with a little effort, travel, and tree sightseeing I can find something that will suit my needs.

Why even bother? Because I think every once in a while you have the change your view. You have to seek out a safe sanctuary that puts you back in touch with the basics. You have to rise above the mundane and invent a little excitement and wonder. And the sanctuary you seek out can’t one that’s provide by just locking yourself away in a room, and the view can’t be one obtained by just taking an elevator to the top floor or looking at your window. You need to take a unique, off-the-beaten journey to get the full effect. You have to switch things up. You have to get Zen about this stuff or you’re just becoming part of the scenery and not appreciating the simple pleasures it provides. Every once in a while, you have to put the fork in the opposite hand and see how it feels. You have to put your socks on before your pants. You have to sleep on the opposite side of the bed, drive down different roads, and wear your hair a little differently. Well, that last example isn’t a good one in my case.

Look, I’ve been called a “tree hugger” once or twice in my time, but it’s not like I have an affinity for scaling large plants. I’m just determined that at this point in my aging life to do things occasionally that are far removed from sitting down or typing or cleaning or fixing something. I’m determined to do something that defies my age—that in fact de-ages me. Are there legions of men around the world climbing trees? Hell, I don’t know. I don’t care. That’s the point. I don’t want to care about some things. I just want to do. Too much thought equals too much anxiety equals too many obstacles equals never getting anything done.

Am I worried about falling out of the tree? Maybe. Is that worry going to stop me? Hell, no. I’ve fallen out of trees before. And even if I do again, it will be worth it. Just like it’s worth it every summer when I take a dive down the Slip N’ Slide with my daughter and feel the aches and pains the next day. You just have to put the brain on idle once in a while and let the heart take over.

When I do find that tree, I’ll be sure to take a few photos and share the view.  

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