Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 236: Cars

I'm not much of a car person. A car gets me around, and that's pretty much the extent of it for me. I understand why a car is a big deal to some people. I wouldn't spend a whole lot to buy one, but I get it. I'd spend a whole lot (if I had it to spend) on other stuff, say, a guitar or stereo system, for example. This week, I've spent a small fortune to keep the various cars in our family able to get us around, and still the hits just keep coming, including today when another surfaced. My initial reaction was, "Good Christ, you have to be kidding me? What the hell is happening here?" But as my wife so wisely said, at some point, the whole thing becomes so comical, all you can do is laugh. She's right. The bad luck train is just going to keep rolling down the tracks whether you want it to or not. So laugh is what I'm going to do. Of course, I'll be a bit more broke while I'm chuckling away, but what the hell.

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