Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 278: Less Flub, More Love

This year, I set out to be more positive. In that regard, it's been a fairly good year. Beyond the mental aspects of being more chipper and optimistic, 2012 has been the year I got my ass off the couch and into shape, as well as the year that I've cleaned up my eating act. Of the two physically related improvements, I'm slightly more proud of the change in eating habits. I’m still no saint where it comes to the food that I put in my mouth, but compared to the junk I allowed to enter my body throughout the past decades, this year I’ve been a straight up stud.

I’m no poster boy for nutrition by any means, but whereas in past years I rewarded myself for just getting up and making it to another day of work by stuffing a few cupcakes down my gullet, today, I’m rewarding myself by going home to run several miles over lunch.

As for lunch itself, in years gone by, I rewarded myself for making it through half a day by stuffing a nice, hot, tasty fast food meal down my throat. I convinced myself I deserved it. Ha. Moron. Later, at home, I wouldn’t hesitate to imbibe in some ice cream, a handful of cookies, chips, or whatever other tasty morsel might be around the house right before bed for mostly the same reasons.

Somewhere, around early February or so, though, my tune for food began to change. The initial note that set me on a new course was accepting a challenge to participate and complete The Warrior Dash (a three-mile run with obstacles mixed in) in June. Upon my first workout and instantly recognizing how out of shape I was, I knew multiple changes were order, including the type and how much food I shoveled in my body every day.

It didn’t happen overnight, but eventually I saw the light. I underwent a change. I turned a corner. I pushed myself away from the table that was full of crap and pulled up a chair instead to the table offering a better way of living. And that’s the table I’ve chosen to remain at.

Well, mostly, anyway. I still get confused now and again and sit down at the table serving too much pizza or those scrumptious tacos or that big piece of cake or the cheeseburger and fries, but for the most part, I’ve kept my fork close to the healthier plate. In the past, for example, it wasn’t uncommon to swallow two or three or more Cokes in one day. I haven’t drank a Coke in a good eight months, and I don’t miss it. I also haven’t purchased a package of tasty little chocolate cakes or donuts on any morning. In fact, except for ice cream (a lifelong enticer if ever there was one), I’ve been a much better eater all the way around.

Of course, there’s ample room for improvement, but mostly I’m pretty proud of myself, and overall, passing up on the crap has been one of the most positive changes I’ve made this year. The benefits have been pretty obvious, too. More energy. More stamina. Less weight to lug around. Less back pain. Less neck pain. Less flab. Less irritability. Less grumpiness. Increase self-worth. Increased knowledge about food. A better and more refined taste for food that actually offers some health-related value and doesn’t just taste good. Still no abs, but you can't have it all.

I’m pretty sure I’ll never be that guy who looks in the mirror and completely likes what he sees. But these days, I don’t mind that guy looking back at me. That’s more than I can say for the fella I used to stare at, who at any particular moment in time would kind of gross me out. The challenge now is getting this new guy to stick around a while.

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