Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 279: Monopoly, Operation, Connect Four, Etc.

I can't describe how happy it makes me that my daughter likes the same games I liked as a kid. Once in a while, she'll sit at the computer and go about playing a video game here and there, but man, she loves board games. And I do, too. Today, we picked up Operation at the toy store, and we played countless games. And despite being just four and not have the greatest dexterity, she did great. There's so much to be gained by interacting with someone playing a game than staring at a screen. So much more to the time when you're laughing together. When you're fighting the anticipation together. When you're thinking and talking and predicting what's coming next together. I'm not one of those parents that hates video games and thinks they are a waste of time with nothing to offer. To the contrary. Some games put hand-eye coordination to the paces. Some put the mind through the gauntlet. Some require a great deal of thought and do teach things worth value. But where it comes to spending time together with my child, I much prefer a board game. I'm glad my daughter seems to as well. 

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