Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 362: The Countdown To The End, Part II: Foes

Just five posts left. Yesterday, I wrote about the positive influence that my friends have had on my life throughout the past year, as well as throughout all the years of my life. Today, I flip the coin and explore the positive aspects that my foes have brought forth. In coming days, I delve into the topics of my kids, my wife, and myself. 

Upon initial consideration, the idea that a foe could offer something positive might seem kind of odd. Upon further inspection, it makes all the sense in the world. Without a villain, for example, how would we distinguish what constitutes a hero? (Not that I'm equating myself to a hero by any stretch of the imagination.) Without a foil, where is the challenge to battle, fight the good fight, and overcome? 

In many ways, I consider a good foe every bit as important as a friend. In fact, I don't think the two have to be mutually exclusive. I've had plenty of friends who have also served as foes. In many regards, the most formidable foe I have is myself, but more on that later. 

This year, I didn't have to look too high or low to find worthy foes. They were seemingly everywhere. I noticed they started to surface in the strongest numbers starting around early October. Coincidentally, there was a heated presidential election not far off on the horizon. But the foes showed their faces early than that. They were there when Wall Street was being occupied. They were there before and after when guns became the hot topic of the day. They were there when same-sex marriage was grabbing headlines. No matter what side of any issue I leaned toward, there was a foe waiting to face. 

And all that brings me back to the foe I fear the most: myself. My fear, hesitation, reluctance, tentativeness, insecurity, and self-defeating prophecies are the dirty, hairy, gnarly monsters that have too often kept me looking in from the outside. Historically, it's taken me too long to convince myself that I'm able and worthy and can make a difference for me to just get in the game. There's nothing positive in that. If this year has taught me anything, it's that failing to engage is worse than dying. It's taught me that everyone can make a difference. 

So, with all due respect to you foes, detractors, friendly combatants, and haters, f*ck you. Let's get it on. 

Seriously, I've done a lot of of honest introspection and contemplation this year, and I've learned that I'm not so concerned with fighting anymore. I've learned that my commitment to certain causes has never been as strong and unwavering. My devotion to my beliefs has never been as deep. It's never risen to as high of levels as they currently reside at. 

I'm not sure why that it is, but I suspect that as I started taking a longer, more serious look around at the conditions surrounding me, I started to notice that the opposition was arming itself more heavily and with more powerful ammunition. I started to notice those holding opposing beliefs to my own were committed themselves, and while I didn't always approve of their tactics, I did admire the lengths they were ready to go to. In other words, it was time to up my game.

So be it. Moving forward, I'm ready to engage. I'm ready to go to battle with those who hate "fags." Those who want to send the immigrants "back to where they came from." Those who dare me to pry the gun out of their cold, dead hands." Those who beat women. Molest children. Steal from the old and poor. I'm committed to feed the hungry, shelter the poor, reverse the damage done to the climate, and hug every damn tree I can wrap my hippie arms around. I'm committed to fight anyone who questions my loyalty to my country. Who throws inaccuracies my way. Who speaks without truth. 

I'm never been as excited to make change as I am now. With all sincerity, thank you, foes. You fuel the fire. 

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