Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 258: Observations

Today, I observed how much I like cooking shows. So much that I don't even care what's being cooked. I don't care that I don't particularly like what's being cooked or have any interest in actually eating it. I just like the process. 

I observed that I can feel just as close with my daughter while we're playing together but not saying a single word as we are playing and blabbering on endlessly. 

I observed how much I love to paint, despite the fact that I suck. 

I observed how little I miss TV when it's not available. 

I observed how damn good an egg sandwich can be if it has just the right amount of pepper sprinkled on top. 

I observed how many glasses five people can go through in one day. 

I observed I love the word "miggie," as in pirate miggie, as in what my daughter has come to call a pirate "mattie." 

I observed that I'm convinced that my guitar is a gift from god. 

I observed there is nothing quite as beautiful as a blue sky. 

I observed that kid channels on Internet radio stations really love songs about ducks. 

I observed there are a lot of ways a duck can quack. 

I observed there's a time and place for everything. 

I observed Internet access is not to be taken for granted. 

I observed that toast, quite possibly the simplest of foods, is also among the best tasting when accompanying a cup of coffee. 

I observed that my favorite days are those on which not a whole lot happens. 

Too bad there isn't a job that pays a person to just observe, because I'm good at it. I could just blend into the woodwork and watch the world pass by and be perfectly content. You learn a lot by just watching. Just shutting your mouth and letting the moments pass by in thought. You see more. You sense more. You learn to predict and anticipate. You learn to know where the moment is traveling, and that's important. You become more of a moment when you're not trying to dictate it. Not trying to pursue it. Not trying to make it last. You become bigger than yourself when you're not trying to make the moment about yourself. 

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