Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 112: Patience

I think an important part of being positive, or at least attempting to be more positive, is learning to be more patient, something that's not always easy for me. I get irritated, sometimes too easily. I know it's due in part to a lack of sleep, something that seems to have plagued the last two decades of my life. But I also get irritated easily because I live with a lot of diverse people. As much as I love them and they love me, it's hard sometimes to carve out your own quiet place, something that everyone needs. I adore my little girl. Absolutely adore her. But there are those moments when a 44-year-old man doesn't want to sit in the sandbox and build yet another city out of wet sand. He wants to sit in the lawn chair and read all afternoon. Those moments require patience. There are moments when I don't want to see another strange face passing through my house. I just want to sit on my couch, comforted by the knowledge that this is my domain. Sharing space with teenagers doesn't allow that. This requires patience. My wife is an absolutely animal lover. She'll invite an elephant in off the street if she runs into one. I love this about her. I also get annoyed by the overabundance of little paws pittering and pattering across my floor. This requires patience. I'm guessing my family would argue that I'm no more patient now than I have ever been, but I do notice a change in myself since I've embarked on this journey of positiveness. I do notice I'm less likely to feel irritated or annoyed, or at least it takes more to get me to that state. That's a good thing. I needed it. Lord knows I give people enough reasons to be annoyed and irritated with me. 

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